Iron Age Terret Ring Moulds, Waldringfield

Waldringfield church grave yard is the site of a rather extraordinary find. Fragments of Late Iron Age pottery moulds used in the production of metal horse harness parts were discovered when a new grave was being dug in 1984. Subsequent excavation near the grave revealed no other metal working debris, so the location of theContinue reading “Iron Age Terret Ring Moulds, Waldringfield”

Iron Age Terret Ring, Poslingford

A Late Iron Age to early Roman terret ring, dating c. 100 BC-100 AD, from the Poslingford area. Developing in the 3rd century BC within Britain (Middle Iron Age), terret rings formed an important piece of equipment in relation to chariots and other wheeled vehicles. Usually arranged in rows of five along the yoke, essentiallyContinue reading “Iron Age Terret Ring, Poslingford”